About me

👋 Taylor LeCroy here, but you can call me Taylor. You may know me from the Design world, but there’s more to me than just clever, elegant, intuitive, ground-breaking...you get the point. Let’s dive in.

Off-Duty Adventures

  • Hells Angel Wannabe: I ride motorcycles like I design - with a dash of instinct, just enough speed, and a whole lot of careful steering.
  • Amateur Astronomer: I’ve always been fascinated with what's out there beyond our brilliant blue home. It’s like an exploratory research phase, but for unfathomably giant orbs of exploding dust and gasses.
  • Struggling musician: I love breaking a complex song down into manageable pieces. Getting a little better with practice, but I'm pretty sure if my walls could talk they’d tell me to stick to product design for now.

Leisure Time

  • Bookworm: I prefer long-form reading to social media. Although in books, just as in product design, sometimes it's best to bail part way through and start something something from scratch.
  • Trailblazer: I live right next to a beautiful mountain trail and tend to do some of my best design work there, miles from any notepad or computer screen.
  • Go Gators: I was brought up to believe college football is almost as important as using data to inform design decisions. Calling it now: by the next time I update this website, my Gators will be decent again.

Secret Talents

  • Scrabble Junkie: Word games have always come easily to me. I once started an Instagram account just to talk through my moves and share strategy and tips.
  • Master Chef: Making a recipe come together isn't so dissimilar from product design - you need to include the right ingredients, blend them to create perfect chemistry, and do plenty of taste-testing.
  • Handyman: Maintenance on a house never ends. Thankfully I've got plenty of experience keeping an organized backlog and ruthlessly prioritizing the most impactful improvements.

Working with me

Work is a reflection of our beliefs and the impact we aim to make. Growing daily in all aspects of life contributes to our overall success, both personally and professionally. Genuinely caring about the outcome every day is my secret sauce for success, both on the job and in life.

Working toward a common goal with a team and celebrating wins together is the most rewarding activity one can engage in. Collaboratively, my style is direct and my feedback detailed and considered. I build trust by showing I’m invested. In my own work, I've learned that good is the enemy of great and that commitment to craft is key to my own personal job satisfaction. Putting amazing things into the world is what makes me tick and allows me to sleep peacefully at night. It's what I was put here for and what I'll always stay committed to.

You can't reach your ceiling inside or outside of work if you're running on empty. My toolkit includes tinkering with things away from the computer, reading, trail running, and making art with my two young ones. I'm the guy that goes for the joke in the middle of a tense meeting, to remind everyone that we're supposed to be doing what we love. The best ideas come from people who are relaxed and having fun, not those who look like they’re stuck in a bad sitcom. The best input and ideas always come from people who are relaxed and riffing, not stressed or just there because they're obligated to attend. Work hard, but remember to have fun along the way.